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Girly Girl Moments

August 1, 2016

Sometimes dressing up and feeling girly is one of the fun privileges of being a girl, right ladies? I just wanted to share with you my look that i wore to my sisters graduation. Keeping it simple and cute, with my smile doing the most lol! I wanted this day to be all about her and celebrate an amazing achievement. Check out my Instagram to see more pictures!

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Dress – Zara (different style as the above dress is sold out)

Shoes – Stuart Weitzman

Photography – Vinn

Olivia Gold x


Be You, Be Yourself, It Is Enough!

July 19, 2016

This year has definitely been one so far filled with a lot of ups and downs, people judging and not always having genuine intentions. You present your best self at all time but to them you’re not what they looking for. What does that even mean?

I have come across a lot of negative, condescending people in this industry (work specifically) who didn’t want my light to shine at all. Who I am and who I represent myself as, is not enough for them or what they ideally would like. To be honest I have come to terms with that and I will explain why further down. It is a shame that the ‘creative fashion industry’ doesn’t take to diversity as much as they say they do but I will not let that stop me, I may not be who they want but I am enough, I have something unique to offer just like anyone else.

I am talking about a few recent experiences this year that has concluded to the same thing such as points like this; the ‘ideal’ girl for this role or the ‘person’ we are looking for…When I heard phrases like this said me to me, I laughed inside because I do exactly what the opportunity and skill set requires but it’s not enough? What are they picturing that I am not giving you? What are they seeing that they feel is not the right fit? I have been told that my blog is a conflict of interest, with no explanation. I was told my outside of work activities was breeching my contract, which was helping a friend on her amazing event. Anything I did was an issue, they were always looking to highlight what they thought was wrong. It’s funny because I got advise from my mentor and other girl bosses in the industry who I would consult on any queries my worked flagged just to cross check if I was doing anything wrong or not and they would always reassure me, what I am doing is just fine.

My horrible experiences of not being accepted once made me question my ability and question my passion for a minute, crazy right! But I never stray too far from my truth and who Olivia Gold is, I know who I am and know what I have to offer and I will NEVER let anyone make me question myself again. If you don’t like me because I am not the right fit then so be it GOODBYE. Sometimes god opens your eyes and reveals the unexpected.

I know my worth and I know my purpose. I share this with you, as encouragement and a note to myself to never give up, we are all going through trials and it is not a race so don’t watch what others are doing. Focus on you and stay away from the noise, be still and let god guide you. Very soon, someone will appreciate ALL you have to offer.


Dress – Zara (Similar)

Shoes – YSL

Photography – Vinn

Olivia Gold x


Keeping It Blush

May 26, 2016

Keeping things blush and trying to keep spring vibes around, I wore a light pink shirt a few weeks ago and styled it with a classic pair of white, wide leg trousers.  Tailored cuts are forever a staple piece in one’s wardrobe! I couldn’t tell you how many times I have worn these trousers and in so many ways! Outfits like this remind me why it is so key to collect timeless stylish pieces and store them away; and this right here, is one of them!

2 years ago I made it a rule to ONLY shop for classic pieces that I could have for a long time and when I look at this outfit it reminds why! Simple, classic and forever chic. Style is supposed to be easy for every day and fun for a great occasion but most importantly creating everlasting fashion moments. I will definitely be picking up my classic piece mantra and let you know what else I purchase!

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Trousers – Zara (similar pair)

Shirt – American Apparel (similar ASOS one)

Heels – Saint Laurent

Photography: Vinn

Olivia Gold x


25 & Strong

April 6, 2016

25 Strong? Those two words mean more to me now, than I would ever know!

I am stepping into a new season in many ways this spring, starting with turning 25 on the 12th April! At the end of last year I was anxious to turn 25 thinking I’m old lol. But now I am fully embracing this new chapter, being confident in my body, mind and spirit. I love and value the people in my life, family, friends and my man. Living in the moment and enjoyed the journey. It is now time for me to put my life into 5th gear and propel in new opportunities, focusing on my career like never before.

On another note I have been working at an amazing global branding agency and my contract comes to an end In two weeks and I will be embarking on a new chpater career wise. It’s a scary, vulnerable time, I don’t know what the future holds but its time I take my destiny into my own hands and go for what I truly want, I know god has got me all the way!

Its time to get uncomfortable to be comfortable 🙂



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Jumpsuit – Zara (similiar style)

Leather Jacket – Zara

Heels – Stuart Weitzman

Photography: Vinn

Olivia Gold x