Hi Ladies, yes it has been a while since we last posted here sorry! We have been focusing on creating experiences and events for you guys to give more insightful marketing information for you to digest. But it is time we get back to the essence of sharing tips and tricks to help you develop as a keen marketer.
Savvy marketer? What do we mean by that?… Well in 2019 things are moving quickly like never before, the internet is becoming a beast of its own and data is becoming more measurable than sales. So it can be hard as a marketer to measure the market and decide whats next for your customer. So here are a few tips to consider for your business or marketing platform.

Do Not Be Scared Of Change aka. Live For Rapid Change
As we all know social media is at the forefront of rapid change. whilst some marketing analyst still may overlook social media as a key competency. A small business owner or for someone who is trying to get into marketing, it is imperative to be up to date with key social channels and the natural trends of each social channels. Get equipped on being a natural trend watcher, follow social guru’s to pick up tips and build a strategy that works for your audience.

Influence With Authority
This applies to you if you want to get involved in content marketing, using social media to communicate or just be of influence with your marketing. Using your influence with authority is all about communicating with intention. E.g. if you are using your Instagram to promote healthy skin, it is imperative to use your actions to delve into detail about your imagery/products your showing. So that your audience can be informed and over time build trust and value which in turns gives you authority over your expertise and increase consistency in engagement.
If you work in a company as a marketer, you can also do this internally by influence with the department in sales, design and communications. Finding new ways to deliver information, sharing new insights and being close to the customer to share a different perspective for other departments to consider.

Read and analyse your data results
This may seem like the most boring task but it’s becoming one of the most important skillsets to acquire in this day in age. Everyone and everything is becoming more digital, which means we are understanding customer behaviour in a new way due to how people receive information, are influenced and even shop. So use your business Instagram account and read view numbers & what post worked best to understand what your audience engage with most. Look at your website and see page views understand when customer or readers tend to search for you. Use SEO to increase search to your page. All these insights will tend to become more exciting and beneficial when you start to use it for your business in the right way. Don’t be scared of numbers!!!
In the Life Of A Marketing Girl Community, we are excited by change and want to ensure you guys are savvy marketers and ‘ahead of the curve’ to dominate within the marketing industry.